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Beware! New MS Office Characteristics Might Panic you

Yes! There is a challenge with the latest version of MS Office is to make modifications but still, provide us with what we need.

We are mostly working on MS Office and Office.Com/Setup from so many years and we have grown our muscle memory to click on which icon for various settings in MS Office applications. We all know that where the File, Edit, View etc menus are located and we directly click on them without the check that it is there or not. And the MS Office team knows it very well that in the latest versions we all are going to click on wrong icons.

In the very few next days, when you open one of the MS Office applications like MS Word and open the menu, you might find the icons are at the modified position. And for some of the users, this is a significant cause to scare, said by Microsoft on


In the next weeks and months, you might observe that the icons have replaced in MS Office Applications. Currently, Microsoft is testing a new uncomplicated appearance and holds for the ribbon, which is where you click to open a file, save documents in Word, or start a new email. It might even frighten you a little.


This is how New MS Office software will look like! More on it available at Www.Office.Com/Setup


Jon Friedman, the Chief Design Officer at Microsoft, speaking to,


"Customers told us they love the heritage that Office carries, but they also told us they needed it to be simpler. We found the balance of muscle memory and pushing design limits is different for different people, so we embarked on this journey to deliver an Office experience that felt familiar, but still adapts to the changing, modern workplace."


In new MS Office Application, you will get a new ribbon that essentially provides you with only some icons like copy-paste, settings or choosing particular fonts etc. Like if you are using online versions of MS Office software like Office 365 available at Most of the icons will be dropped and you will find some of the icons only in the ribbon.

More Good NEWS!


Friedman said that Microsoft desired to ensure all users have the look and feel as per their wish. He spoke about something called empathic design to ensure that everyone is capable to utilize an app and that Microsoft recognizes their requirements. The menu in MS Office apps can extend simply to display the classic menu, so if you are practiced to ticking in the same position when you run any application, the icons will still display exactly the equivalent.


Microsoft has so many MS Office users, and even small mistake drives to the big loss. And Friedman also said that they test MS Office users continuously, noting how they apply muscle memory for directions and when they go seeking for extensive characteristics. His words:


"While testing Outlook's new ribbon, we learned that people really liked the simplified version but kept having to open the classic ribbon to find commands they needed. It turned out that people use the same ten commands 95% of the time but still need a level of customization for that 11th, 12th and 13th command, which are all different based on a user's personal preference and what they work on most. With this insight we added a pinning function so people could add commands to the new ribbon that weren't there by default."


This will be one of the major challenges and we need to become more productive and find new characteristics, but we also need to hold everything the same. Latest MS Office software will be available in next several months and see what user actually believe.


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